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5 Moroccan Women Who Inspire US

Since this month marked the International Woman Day, we decide to celebrate Moroccan women that inspire us. From entrepreneur to writer, we present you these 5 women of different profiles who innovate in their field. Women are truly actors of change in the country. 

Leïla Slimani

Journalist and writer, Leïla is one of the most prominent Francophone authors of the moment. Since the launch of her second book Chanson Douce, which she was awarded the Prix Goncourt 2016, Leïla is been invited to many literary events. 

Touria El Glaoui

Touria El Glaoui is the creative mind behind 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fairthe first leading international art Rendez-vous dedicated to contemporary art from Africa and its diaspora. The fair is happening in three cities, London, New York and recently, in Marrakesh.

Myriam Mourabit

Known for her artistic skills, Myriam Mourabit creates magnificent ceramic pieces inspired by the Moroccan culture. With her designer perspective, she redefined the Moroccan modern art where she incorpores traditional know-how and cultural symbols in her designs. Her pieces are exposed in renowned hotels across the country but also internationally. 

Fadela Bennani

Fadela always had this passion for sneakers and thought of creating handcrafted sneakers with a Moroccan touch. She created AMAZ to value the work of craftsmanship but also to support the education of women. AMAZ is a social company, it is giving back to an association supporting education of women Berber villages of the Moroccan High Atlas.

Sana Afouaiz

Believing strongly in women empowerment, Sana traveled across 30 countries to have a better understanding of the woman’s situation around the world. She then created Womenpreneur, a platform dedicated to female entrepreneurship, where Moroccan women can acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to develop their businesses.

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